November 16-21, 2025 (CFP due August 12, 2025)
Held in conjunction with SC25: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Since 2014, the Best Practices for HPC Training workshop series at SC has provided a global forum for addressing common challenges and solutions for enhancing HPC training and education, for sharing information through large and small group discussions, and for fostering collaboration opportunities. The Twelfth workshop (BPHTE25), an ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter coordinated effort, is a full day workshop focusing on extending collaborations among practitioners from traditional and emerging fields, exploring the challenges in developing and deploying HPC training and education, and identifying new challenges and opportunities for the latest HPC platforms. The workshop will provide opportunities for: disseminating results, understanding the recent challenges with effectiveness of HPC education and training materials and promoting collaborations among HPC educators, trainers and users. We are planning for papers, lightning talks and demos to be presented by members of the international community. The workshop papers, extended lightning talks and demo abstracts will be published in a special issue of Journal of Computational Science Education .
SIGHPC Education held its annual meeting on January 14 at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time.
We reviewed activities completed in 2024, discussed possible new initiatives, and presented the scheduled activities for 2025.
The ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter is excited to announce the recipient of the 2024 Educational Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computational Science Education. We received an impressive number of applications, making the selection process highly competitive. We are proud to recognize both an honorable mention and a winner who have made significant contributions to the advancement of computational science education.
November 17-22, 2024
Held in conjunction with SC24: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Since 2014, the Best Practices for HPC Training workshop series at SC has provided a global forum for addressing common challenges and solutions for enhancing HPC training and education, for sharing information through large and small group discussions, and for fostering collaboration opportunities. The Eleventh workshop (BPHTE24), an ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter coordinated effort, is a full day workshop focusing on extending collaborations among practitioners from traditional and emerging fields, exploring the challenges in developing and deploying HPC training and education, and identifying new challenges and opportunities for the latest HPC platforms. The workshop will provide opportunities for: disseminating results, understanding the recent challenges with effectiveness of HPC education and training materials and promoting collaborations among HPC educators, trainers and users. We are planning for papers, lightning talks and demos to be presented by members of the international community. The workshop papers, extended lightning talks and demo abstracts will be published in a special issue of Journal of Computational Science Education .
The ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter is announcing the initiation of a biannual education award to recognize outstanding contributions to computational, data-enabled science, and HPC education and training in all disciplines. We are seeking nominations for candidates who have led projects or programs that have made significant contributions to computational science education, defined broadly to include all disciplines and all education levels. The executive committee of the SIGHPC Education Chapter (Chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary-treasurer) and SIGHPC are not eligible for this award.
The HPC Carpentry project has deep roots in some high-performance computing communities and has evolved considerably over several years. The basic idea is to make use of pedagogical techniques and the community-based continuous self-improvement that can be realized in the open-source world to develop instructional materials for novice users of HPC facilities.
This fills an instructional gap that arises for both novice users of existing facilities, and investigators in research domains where HPC resources are newly available to them, due to the decreasing cost of increasingly sophisticated computing power.
CodeRefinery has been teaching over 2500 researchers since 2016 in FAIR research software development practices. All training materials ( are publicly available for everyone to use for self-learning and reusing (CC-BY) and we offer two free online workshops a year where we try to reach hundreds of participants and dozens of team leaders. The lessons are collaboratively developed with contributions from Nordics and beyond.
Just as Greg muddles his way through middle school in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Pawsey Interns are asked to navigate a confusing world of science and high performance computing – sometimes with little to no background in either. Join this panel discussion to learn about the 10-week, paid Australian Internship Program as experienced by the Interns and Intern Mentors. Hear their journeys, their challenges and their successes – from bootcamp training through to final project showcase.
The ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter is announcing an upcoming call for nominations for the 2024 education award to recognize outstanding contributions to computational, data-enabled science, and HPC education and training in all disciplines.
The call for nominations will be issued in March, 2024 with a deadline for submissions on May 31 2024.
We are seeking candidates who have led projects or programs that have made significant contributions to computational science education defined broadly to include all disciplines and all education levels.
Are you new to the world of HPC and are trying to find an affordable and accessible way that you can learn, practice and experiment? Do you miss the days when learning about HPC was connecting a few gray boxes together and configuring a cluster? Do you wish you could transfer all the complexity inherent in production HPC systems into an accessible sandbox environment, designed to facilitate teaching and experimental development? Stop wishing and learn about Magic Castle!
Materials from the annual meeting on January 9 at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time.
Tenth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education (BPHTE23)
November 12-17, 2023
Held in conjunction with SC23: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Since 2014, the Best Practices for HPC Training workshop series at SC has provided a global forum for addressing common challenges and solutions for enhancing HPC training and education, for sharing information through large and small group discussions, and for fostering collaboration opportunities. The Tenth workshop (BPHTE23), an ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter coordinated effort, is a full day workshop focusing on extending collaborations among practitioners from traditional and emerging fields, exploring the challenges in developing and deploying HPC training and education, and identifying new challenges and opportunities for the latest HPC platforms. The workshop will provide opportunities for: disseminating results, understanding the recent challenges with effectiveness of HPC education and training materials and promoting collaborations among HPC educators, trainers and users. We are planning for papers, lightning talks and demos to be presented by members of the international community. The workshop papers, extended lightning talks and demo abstracts will be published in a special issue of Journal of Computational Science Education
Monday July 24, 2023
Time: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PST)
08:30 AM-8:45 AM
Welcome SIGHPC Education Chapter
Nitin Sukhija, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
8:45 AM -10:45 AM
Paper Session
8:45 AM -9:00 AM
“Assessing Shared Material Usage in the High Performance Computing (HPC) Education and Training Community”. Susan Mehringer, Katharine Cahill, Charlie Dey, Scott Lathrop, J-P Navarro, Jeaime Powell and Mary Thomas
Juan Rodriguez Herrera
Thursday, June 8
16:00 BST
11:00 AM EDT
The ARCHER2 training service started in April 2020 with an online programme of courses and virtual tutorials. EPCC, as part of the ARCHER2 UK National service, deliver a training programme that covers a wide range of scientific disciplines and technology platforms, and addresses the training requirements of users with different needs and level of experience.
David Joiner, Rubin Landau, Robert Panoff, Richard Gass
Wednesday, April 5 at 1:00 PM EDT.
Presenters will discuss various aspects of integrating computational physics into the classroom
The session was moderated by Richard Gass
Bryan Johnston, Binjamin Barsch
Friday, March 31 2023 at 08:30 AM EDT
The HPC Ecosystems Project is responsible for the distribution and deployment of HPC Systems in Africa, as well as HPC Personnel training related to these systems.
Dr. Alan O’Cais and Kenneth Hoste
Wednesday, January 25 at 10:00 AM ET.
The European Environment for Scientific Software Installations EESSI project aims to provide a ready-to-use stack of production-quality scientific software installations that can be leveraged easily on a variety of platforms, ranging from personal workstations to cloud environments and supercomputer infrastructure, without making compromises with respect to performance. Unlike containers, it exists natively on the host system with direct access to hardware and can be remotely updated (for bug fixes, security, etc.).
Come join us for our annual chapter meeting! This is a great opportunity to interact with chapter leadership, learn about ongoing projects, and help us shape our priorities for the upcoming year.
Thursday, December 8, 10-11 am EST
Call for Papers
Ninth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education (BPHTE22)
November 13-18, 2022
Held in conjunction with SC22: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Since 2014, the Best Practices for HPC Training workshop series at SC has provided a global forum for addressing common challenges and solutions for enhancing HPC training and education, for sharing information through large and small group discussions, and for fostering collaboration opportunities. The Ninth workshop (BPHTE22), an ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter coordinated effort, is a full day workshop focusing on extending collaborations among practitioners from traditional and emerging fields, exploring the challenges in developing and deploying HPC training and education, and identifying new challenges and opportunities for the latest HPC platforms. The workshop will provide opportunities for: disseminating results, understanding the recent challenges with effectiveness of HPC education and training materials and promoting collaborations among HPC educators, trainers and users. We are planning for papers, lightning talks and demos to be presented by members of the international community. The workshop papers, extended lightning talks and demo abstracts will be published in a special issue of Journal of Computational Science Education .
The ACM SIGHPC Education Chapter is pleased to announce the first recipient of the Educational Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computational Science Education Dr. Robert M. Panoff.
Dr. Robert Panoff is noted for his work assisting faculty with the integration of computational science into the undergraduate curriculum. Dr. Panoff also collected and distributed curricular materials as exemplars for adoption in the curriculum. He is widely recognized for the development of Interactivate, a set of modeling tools to assist in the teaching of pre-college science and math.
Fifth Workshop on Strategies for Enhancing HPC Education and Training (SEHET22)
Monday July 11, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (EST)
08:30 AM-8:45 AM
Welcome SIGHPC Education Chapter
Nitin Sukhija, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
8:45 AM -10:45 AM
Paper Session
8:45 AM -9:00 AM
“The Multi-Tier Assistance, Training, and Computational Help (MATCH) project, a Track 2 NSF ACCESS Initiative”. Shelley Knuth, Julie Ma, Alan Chalker, Ewa Deelman, Layla Freeborn, VikrAM Gazula, John Goodhue, JAMes Griffioen, David Hudak, Andrew Pasquale and Mats Rynge
Wednesday November 11, 2020
Time: 10 AM - 6:30 PM (EST)
10:00 PM-10:15 AM
Welcome SIGHPC Education Chapter
Nitin Sukhija, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
10:15 AM -12:00 PM
Session I: (Chair: Scott Lathrop)
10:15 AM -10:30 AM
DeapSECURE Computational Training for Cybersecurity Student: Improvements, Mid-Stage Evaluation, and Lessons Learned. Purwanto, He, Ossom, Zhang, Zhu, Arcaute, Sosonkina, Wu
Third Workshop on Strategies for Enhancing HPC Education and Training (SEHET20)
Monday July 27, 2020
Time: 1:00 PM - 5 PM (PST)
01:00 PM-1:20 PM
Welcome SIGHPC Education Chapter
Nitin Sukhija, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
1:20 PM -3:00 PM
Paper Session
1:20 PM -1:40 PM
“ Creating a Platform for Self-Service Learning and Collaboration in the Rapidly Changing Environment of Research Computing”. Julie Ma, Torey Battelle, Katia Bulekova, John Goodhue, Aaron Culich and Jacob Pessin
Ask.CI, the Q&A site for Research Computing, was launched at PEARC18 with the goal of aggregating answers to a broad spectrum of questions that are commonly asked by the research computing community. As researchers, facilitators, staff, students, and others ask and answer questions on Ask.CI, they create a shared knowledge base for the larger community. For smaller institutions, the knowledge base provided by Ask.CI provides a wealth of knowledge that was previously not readily available to scientists and educators in an easily searchable Q&A format. For larger institutions, this self-service model frees up time for facilitators and cyberinfrastructure engineers to focus on more advanced subject matter. Recognizing that answers evolve rapidly with new technology and discovery, Ask.CI has built in voting mechanisms that utilize crowdsourcing to ensure that information stays up to date. Establishing a Q&A site of this nature requires some tenacity. In partnership with the Campus Champions, Ask.CI has gained traction, and continues to engage the broader community to establish the platform as a powerful tool for research computing. Since launch, Ask.CI has attracted over 250,000 page views (currently averaging nearly 5,000 per week), more than 400 contributors, hundreds of topics, and a broad audience that spans the US and parts of Europe and Asia. Ask.CI has shown steady growth in both contributions and audience since it was launched in 2018, and is still evolving. In the past year, we introduced “Locales,” which allow institutions to create subcategories on Ask.CI where they can experiment with posting institution-specific content and use of the site as a component of their user support strategy.
Sunday November 17, 2019
Time: 9 AM - 5:30 PM
09:00 PM-09:20 AM
Welcome SIGHPC Education Chapter
Nitin Sukhija, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Scott Lathrop, University of Illinois
Julia Mullen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nia Alexandrov, Daresbury Laboratory, Sci-Tech Daresbury
9:20 AM -12:30 PM
Paper Session I: (Chair: Scott Lathrop)
09:20 AM -09:40 AM Training for OpenMP Compiler Development from Cloud. Wang, Mishra, Liao, Yan, Chapman
Mentoring Webinar
Sally Ellingson, Sarvani Chadalapaka, Jay Lofstead, and Julian Kunkel
Wednesday, November 6 at 12:00 PM ET.
Mentoring has the potential for great impact, and can play a key role in building community and bringing new researchers to HPC. However, sometimes getting involved in mentoring can be intimidating, and it can be difficult to find best practices for mentoring in HPC. In this webinar, “Mentoring: Maximize Your Impact”, four panelists with extensive mentoring experience will share their perspectives on effective mentoring, their own experiences, and tips on how to organize your mentoring program, followed by discussion and Q&A. Join us on November 6th at noon EST/5 pm GMT for an exciting discussion!
OpenMP: An Industrial Strength On-Node Programming Model
Extending Computational Training Using Informal Means
Fifth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education
The Morgan Teaching to Increase Diversity in STEM (MTIDES) Project
Introducing the HPC Certification Program