08:51:21 From Alex Feltus : What is the githlab link Bryan? https://hpc-ecosystems.gitlab.io/ is what I had. 08:58:14 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : @alex Edge condensed the link, sorry -- https://hpc-ecosystems.gitlab.io/training/openhpc-101/#/ 09:00:32 From Alex Feltus : Thanks! This seminar is helping me understand the layout of the land. 09:06:39 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : not a power 'issue' - it's a 'crisis' :-) 09:27:09 From Julia Mullen : Are these primarily graduate students? 09:27:36 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : yes, if you mean as opposed to undergraduate students (some did sneak through though) 09:30:34 From Julia Mullen : Great presentations! Thank you 09:33:05 From Julia Mullen : We see that problem all the time 09:37:12 From Binjamin Barsch : Please share any online courses on an introduction to Linux and shell that you can recommend. We are always looking to improve on ours. 09:37:36 From Julia Mullen : jsm@ll.mit.edu 09:37:55 From Julia Mullen : https://learn.llx.edly.io 09:38:23 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : also the google group COP for HPC Education 09:39:15 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : @Alex there is an HPC Outreach Community of Practice group that we formed at SC22: https://groups.google.com/g/hpc-outreach-cop 09:40:16 From Berny Chaimite : Reacted to "https://learn.llx.ed..." with 👍 09:40:42 From Alex Feltus : An excellent RCD/HPC+ collaborative group in the US is Campus Research Computing Consortium (CARCC): https://carcc.org/ 09:41:13 From Elliotjere : I am new to hpc I have some hands on experience working with HPC+openhpc can anyone explain the theme of this meeting? 09:42:50 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : @Elliot this is SIG HPC Education Seminar Series; talking about Education-related topics for HPC (training, outreach, learning, skills development, lessons learned, tips, tools, etc.) 09:44:37 From Elliotjere : Thanks @Bryan 09:45:00 From Scott Callaghan : https://sighpceducation.acm.org/ 09:45:01 From Julia Mullen : Thank you Binjamin and Bryan 09:45:07 From Bryan bjohnston@csir.co.za : thanks everyone!