HPC Carpentry

scheduleWednesday, June 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM EDT

SIGHPC Education Webinar HPC Carpentry

YouTube Video

The HPC Carpentry project has deep roots in some high-performance computing communities and has evolved considerably over several years. The basic idea is to make use of pedagogical techniques and the community-based continuous self-improvement that can be realized in the open-source world to develop instructional materials for novice users of HPC facilities.

This fills an instructional gap that arises for both novice users of existing facilities, and investigators in research domains where HPC resources are newly available to them, due to the decreasing cost of increasingly sophisticated computing power.

The gap exists in part because formal curricula for students of those domains may not have room for computational training, and because non-student researchers face challenges making time to acquire the relevant expertise. Consequently, large subsets of researchers have access to HPC resources without the technical skills to use them effectively.

This talk will describe the current state of the HPC Carpentry project, its strategic development plan, current challenges, and interactions with the larger HPC community, and will also include a deeper dive into the current offerings of EPCC at The University of Edinburgh.

Speakers Bios

Andrew Reid is a computational materials scientist at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, operator of a small HPC cluster, and a member of the steering committee of the HPC Carpentry project.

Juan Herrera is the team leader for the training function of ARCHER2, the UK’s National Supercomputer. He is also involved in other activities of the ARCHER2 service such as user support and outreach.